Lacan's Psychoanalysis 拉康式精神分析
Lacan's Psychoanalysis 拉康式精神分析
Imitation 拟态
A concept in ethology.
对象 a 被作为欲望的原因,永远追寻不到就是欲望的本质,对象 a 恰好是永远丢失的东西。所以被欲望的对象总是充当对象 a 的替代品。
主体从全能幻想的自足状态转入了语言维度,对象 a 也就遗落了,这是阉割的产物。于是人就成了欲望的主体,他将不断地尝试找回对象 a,或者说是找回“脐带”。
Lack is the basis of existence, and "existence" depends on "Lack" to exist.
Desire is constructed by language because of its inherent flaws.
For a child to want to be the object of his mother's desire, in the symbolic order, is to identify with the paternal Other. Once the Subject identifies with the Other, then his desire will naturally be the desire of the Other.
"You don't love me and you love something else, then I will become that thing to make you love me."
When Lacan said that the desire of the Subject is the desire of the Other, the premise is that the ego is alienated by the Other. Desire is the desire of unconscious. When the Subject enters the signifier game and identifies with the Other, his unconscious desire becomes the desire of the Other. Desire, is first attached to objects, and is now attached to speeches.
Ternary Relation: Intervention of Phallus 三元关系:菲勒斯的介入
The phallus mentioned here is a signifier.
Members of the ternary relation: Mother, Subject, Phallus.
As far as the dual relation between mother and child is concerned, the object of child's desire is not the mother herself, but the things the mother desires.
The child desires to be what the mother desires, and this is the phallus.
The mother's desires are not all directed toward the Subject, but some are always directed toward something outside the Subject, that is, the phallus.
In other words, the Subject will always find that part of the mother's desire points to something outside him, and the Subject then constructs the phallus.
The Subject realizes that he is not entirely identical with the mother's desires.
The phallus will become an object promised to the Subject to possess in the future, that is, the object of a contract.
This promise means that what will be returned in the future is what was originally taken away, and therefore, adopting a sexual position means that the Subject must first experience some kind of original loss.
The phallus then becomes a symbol of presence and absence.
Anxiety 焦虑
The child realizes that he cannot fully satisfy the mother's desire, which makes the child anxious in front of the mother's desire.
Lacan links Anxiety to his concept of the Real, referring to a traumatic element that is always outside the Symbolic and therefore lacks any possible mediation.
An essential object that is no longer any object, marks the end of all discourse and the failure of all categories, is the perfect object for anxiety, that is, object a.
不再是任何对象的一个本质性对象,标志着所有话语的终结与一切范畴的失败,是焦虑的绝佳对象,即对象 a。
In his analysis of the case of Little Hans, Lacan pointed out that Anxiety occurs when the Subject is uncertain between the imagined pre-Oedipal triangle and the Oedipal quadruple. It was at this point that Hans felt the actual penis during the child's masturbation. Anxiety arises because he can now weigh what he is endeared to by his mother (i.e., his position as an imaginary phallus) against what he actually has to deliver (i.e., his insignificant, real organ). Anxiety arises precisely because the Subject is suspended between a moment when he no longer knows where he is and a future in which he can no longer find himself again. It would have been possible for Hans to be rescued from this Anxiety by the castrating intervention of his real father, but this did not happen. His father failed to intervene to separate Hans from his mother, so Hans developed a phobia as an alternative to such intervention. What emerges again from Lacan's account of Little Hans is that it is not the separation from the mother that causes Anxiety, but the failure to separate from the mother. Therefore, far from being the primary source of anxiety, castration is actually what rescues the Subject from Anxiety.
The Relation between Anxiety and Dsire 焦虑与欲望之间的关系
Desire is a remedy for Anxiety, something more bearable than Anxiety itself.
焦虑并非没有对象,它只是涉及一种不同类型的对象,一种无法像所有其他的对象那样以同样的方式来加以象征化的对象。这一对象即是对象 a,即欲望的对象因,而焦虑则发生于当某种事物出现在这个对象的位置上的时候。
Anxiety occurs when the Subject faces the desire of the Other but does not know what kind of object he is relative to that desire.
Oedipus, Name of the Father: Castration 俄狄浦斯、以父之名:阉割
The Oedipal period is divided into three "times":
Previously, the child and mother were in a perfect dual relation.
Now, the child discovers (constructs) that the mother desires something beyond himself.
Finally, through the combined effects of imaginary and language, the child (is forced to) accept the symbolic phallus (the father), thereby achieving a castration of himself.
As a member of the symbolic order, the Mother has internalized the Father's law and can act the prohibitions of the father's law.
The way in which the Mother expresses to her child that she has desires beyond the child is important for the development of the Subject (whether actively or unconsciously by the mother).
When the Subject gives up to become the object that his Mother desired, the Subject also gives up a certain kind of "enjoyment", which the Subject will never regain no matter how hard he tries.
The child is aware not only of his own castration but also of his Mother's. Both forms of castration present the subject with tow choices: either accept castration or reject (disavow) castration. Lacan believes that only by accepting (or "bearing") castration can the Subject reach a certain degree of mental normality (neurosis); in other words, the bearing of castration has a certain "normalizing effect."
Forced by the Father's law, the child identifies with the father's law, which marks the Subject's entry into the Symbolic, which marks the Subject's lack of the imaginary phallus and his pursuit of the symbolic phallus, thus entering the metonymic chain of desire.
Through symbolic castration, the child was rescued from anxiety. it delivers to the child a signifier that mediates the relation between him and Mother, and it is at the same time a source of vicarious satisfaction (desire).
Trauma 创伤
Trauma works through the symbolization of the trauma itself (retrospectively constructed through language), which gives a significance to the traumatic event through the gaze of the other, which is often the other related to the subject's desire.
Enjoyment 享乐
The Structure of the Subject 主体的结构
One of the most basic axioms of psychoanalysis is that the structure of the Subject is determined by his experiences during the first few years of his life. Although it is unclear how long this critical period will last, it is generally believed that after this critical period, the structure of the Subject is permanently fixed and cannot be changed.
The types of reactions to castration can be divided into three main structures:
- Repression -> Neurosis
- Disavowal -> Perversion
- Exclusion -> Mental illness
- 压抑 -> 神经症
- 拒认 -> 性倒错
- 排除 -> 精神病
Neurosis 神经症
That is, "most people". Accepting castration and repressing desires. neurotics can only have Philos enjoyment.
Finally identified with the Father's law and shifted his identification from the Mother to the Father.
Obsession 强迫症
The obsessive-compulsive Subject often manifests as a subject who is phallicly invested as the object of maternal desire. As we have seen, this is why OCD is thought to have a nostalgic tendency to be a phallus.
This investment inevitably causes the child to develop an extremely precocious concept of understanding himself as an object in which the Mother can find something that she cannot find in the Father. Here we encounter an inflection point in the Oedipal dialectic, the transition from being a phallus to having a phallus.
Something very important needs to be pointed out in the maternal discourse, namely that the object of Mother's desire is clearly dependent on the Father, in order to move the child toward the phallic dimension. If the maternal discourse convey ambiguity about the location of her desires, the child will establish for himself a system in which it is he who fully satisfies this desire. This is a critical point in the formation of Obsession structures.
The obsessive subject becomes the object of investment, and this investment makes him believe that he is the child who is favored and given special attention. This specialness is only to make up for the lack of satisfaction of the mother's desire. This compensation will still lead to continued phallic identification, but the child is still logically directed to the Father's law by the mother's discourse (where her desires are inscribed).
The mother pointed out to the child early on that her desires were not fully satisfied, and it was this signifier of dissatisfaction that led the child to have a special spiritual experience that felt like a temptation. In this dual relation, it is obviously the mother who stimulates and maintains the child's erotic pleasure in the process of taking care of the child's physical needs. The child cannot help but become a passive object of temptation. He is thus captured in this enjoyment, and because the mother's dissatisfaction of desire is directed toward him, this passive temptation is intensified, and the resulting enjoyment is experienced as a sexual violation. The child has no choice but to experience this pleasure as a participant, participating in the mother's special enjoyment.
This passivity with regard to sexual pleasure is one of the main features of obsessive-compulsive neurosis, through which the Subject nostalgically arouses his phallic sexual identification. In fact, it is precisely because of this passive phallic tendency that the child destined to become obsessive-compulsive disorder initiates the transition from being a phallus to having a phallus.
The child must experience that the transition from becoming to having is problematic because in phallic identification he is blocked by the intrusion of the Father. This gives rise to two basic structural features: on the one hand, obsessive-compulsive neurosis is always characterized by an overbearing need; on the other hand, obsessive-compulsive neurosis is always stricken by a weakness in expressing demands.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a complete inability to tolerate loss, and this will be obvious in all aspects of daily life. The contradiction between phallic nostalgia and the loss caused by castration places OCD in a specific structural position in relation to the father.
Another typical manifestation of obsessive-compulsive disorder is transgression.
The disguise of the obsessive-compulsive disorder subject's transgression: instead of practicing the transgression, he emphasizes compliance with moral laws.
The Subject with obsessive-compulsive disorder always maintains the phallus signifier of the Other, because the Subject is trapped in the anxiety of whether he can become the mother's imaginary phallus or not, and the Subject has no real "father" to intervene in the struggle for the mother (or in other words the Subject always wants to be the mother's phallus), but it is impossible for the Subject to truly become the mother's imaginary phallus, so the Subject needs to maintain a triadic structure and construct a "Father" at the imaginary (symbolic?) level, and maintain his laws.
If the mother conveys an ambiguous positioning of her desires, the child may establish a system in which it is the child who can fully satisfy the mother's desires.
One of the characteristics of obsessive-compulsive disorder is that the Subject has a nostalgic tendency to become the signifier of phallus, that is, he longs for someone to desire him and someone to love him. The subject enjoys pleasure through an inverted sexual experience experienced as passivity.
The obsessive-compulsive subject is a condemning subject, blaming some of his former pleasures in childhood sexual activity. Seduction plays an important role in childhood sexual activity, but it is the sexual assault that follows seduction that really matters. The obsessive-compulsive disorder subject has an explicit fantasy of being raped, namely the "nurse drama."
The obsessive-compulsive subject tends toward a kind of "romantic captivity" in a romantic relation, possessing a living object in order to turn it into a "dead" object. Because the Subject cannot tolerate the object of desire desiring other objects.
The more the Subject with obsessive-compulsive disorder wants to completely become the object of desire of the other, the more it becomes clear that the Subject cannot fully satisfy the desire of the other.
Hysteria 癔症
For the hysterical subject, the question is: what is a woman and how to realize femininity.
The hysterical Subject alienates his own desires for the desires of others, manifesting himself in the service of others.
Hysterical contempt: using the fact that oneself does not possess the phallic signifier to despise the other who possesses the phallic signifier, "Without me, you are nothing", thereby acknowledging that the other does indeed possess the phallic signifier. This can be seen as a structure similar to perversion, but it is actually very different.
Female hysteria "pretends" to be a "man"; while male hysteria fantasizes about having no phallic signifier through "non-phallic" (impotent) behavior.
The hysterical Subject realizes the "surrender" to the phallic signifier in the imaginary dimension.
The hysterical Subject imagines himself as a worthless object, and behind this imagination is a huge imaginary narcissistic wound.
The hysterical Subject always accuses and challenges the phallic signifier of the Other, because he is himself castrated by the phallic signifier.
Obsessive-compulsive neurosis concerns questions about the Subject's existence, while hysteria concerns questions about the sexual position of the Subject. The question can be phrased in terms of "Am I a man or a woman?" or, more precisely, in terms of "What is a woman?" This is true for both male and female hysterics. Lacan thus reaffirms the ancient view that there is a close connection between hysteria and femininity. In fact, most patients with hysteria are women, and most patients with obsessive-compulsive neurosis are men.
The question of the father's phallic ownership is the moment when the logic of hysterical desire comes into play. The father must give evidence for this attribution, and the entire desire economy of hysteria is consumed in the symptomatic test of "giving evidence."
Phobia 恐惧症
The child is faced with a basic and very important choice: keep trying to be the phallus of the mother's imagination, or give up the game altogether. If the latter is chosen, the child acquires a new signifier: the name of the Father, which allows for the reorganization of experiences, the reconfiguration of imagined relations, and the suppression of traumatic anxieties that would otherwise prevent the child completely enter the common Symbolic. The intervention of the real father thus opens up the possibility of a relation with the symbolic father, the Other.
The purpose of phobia is to establish a new world order and structure that will allow people to suppress the great and pervasive anxiety when faced with the nothingness and chaos behind this order. So a phobia is a defense against anxiety, but also delivers a signifier of that anxiety, allowing the Subject to speak it in some form.
Children are particularly susceptible to phobia, which are a normal part of the transition to symbolic castration.
If the Subject trying to enter the Symbolic has not been castrated by the real father, he may self-castrate through imagination, forming a spiritual triadic structure, and then develop phobia.
The phobic constructs an imaginary object to replace the symbolic castration.
The object of anxiety is the None, whereas phobia has a specific object.
Perversion 性倒错
The pervert disavows castration. He discovers that his mother lacks phallus, but at the same time refuses to accept this traumatic reality. This is most evident in fetishes (i.e., "perversion of perversion"), in which the fetish is a symbolic substitute for the mother's missing phallus. However, this unresolved relation between subject and phallus is not unique to fetishism but extends to all sexual perversions.
The pervert identifies with the mother's phallic signifier (the maternal Other), also has a phallus himself, and wants to regress to a dualistic hedonic relation with his mother.
The pervert disavows the castration of the imaginary phallus, and wants to be the mother's imaginary phallus, thinking that he can satisfy the mother's desires.
All perversions are masochistic, all seek to satisfy the pleasure of the (maternal) Other, and all seek to regress into a dualistic hedonic relation with the mother.
The perverted subject disavows the castration and is therefore hostile to the product of castration, the "vagina".
The object of the perversion's love is the imaginary substitute for the missing phallus of the mother.
The subject does not identify with the Symbolic and instead pursues original pleasure or drive enjoyment that has not entered the Symbolic. Therefore, the subject's desires are no longer the symbolic desires of the neurotic subject.
The whole problem of perversion is how the child identifies in its relation with the mother with the imaginary object of the mother's desire (i.e. the imaginary phallus).
Homosexuality 同性恋
Homosexuality is essentially the result of a defensive narcissistic reaction in the face of anxiety, in which the child selectively fixates on the appearance of a woman with a phallus.
Fetishism 恋物癖
"Fetish" first denoted an inanimate object of worship.
Krafft-Ebbing, who first applied the term to sexual behavior, defined fetish as a sexual perversion in which sexual excitement depends entirely on the presence of a specific object (the fetish). It is this definition that Freud and most other writers on sexual desire have since adopted. A fetish is usually an inanimate object, such as a shoe or a piece of underwear.
Freud believed that fetishism was seen as an almost exclusively male sexual perversion that originated from children's fear of castration. Faced with the lack of the mother's phallus, the fetishist will disavow this lack and will find an object (fetish) to act as a symbolic substitute for the mother's missing phallus.
Like all perversions, fetishes have their roots in the pre-Oedipal triangle of mother-child-phallus. However, what is unique about the fetish is that it involves identification with both the mother and the imaginary phallus; in fact, in the fetish, the subject oscillates between these two identifications.
The fetish's fixation on the representation of the phallic mother is more unstable and thus precipitates a compromise. Since women do not have a penis in reality, in the second stage, the fetishist uses another object in reality (i.e., the fetish object) to materialize this supposed missing object.
In this regard, fetishes "mediate" several defense mechanisms. It prevents the subject from having to give up the phallus; it allows the subject to escape castration anxiety; and ultimately it allows the subject to choose a woman as the object of his sexual desire because this woman is assumed to possess the phallus. This solution therefore allows the fetishist to avoid homosexual consequences.
The fetish then becomes an imaginary pathway to the missing object. It gives that object an illusion of existence/presence. It is usually an inanimate object, which makes it more perfectly satisfying because it doesn't go anywhere, it doesn't let the subject down.
Fetishes are projected images composed of so-called barrier memories. A barrier memory is an unusually clear but distorted visual memory, often of a traumatic property, in which some symbolic elements are blocked and some are fixed as the flow of the memory is frozen and reduced to a still point. These memories usually appear as still images.
The image becomes the core of the erotic fantasy, as a signifier separate from the rest of the signifier chain.
The function of this scene is to veil castration, and the fetish as a site for imaginary projection functions to create the illusion of presence in that position beyond the absence of the object.
SM, Exhibitionism SM、暴露
The mechanism of exhibitionism is to challenge the Other, let the Other show up, and imagine himself as the Other staring at himself.
Psychosis 精神病
The exclusion of the phallic signifier (castration) indicates a fundamental rejection of the paternal metaphor and non-entry into the symbolic order.
The psychotic subject has his own unique symbolic world, the delusion.
Subject's Love 主体的爱
Transference 移情
Love is the process of the subject completing the formation of the ideal self in an imaginary and narcissistic way.
The object of love always appears to the loving subject as an object a, a partial object, which appears as a part of the body, and it is these partial objects that arouse the subject's desire.
爱的对象在爱的主体那里总是呈现为一个对象 a,一个部分对象,它呈现为身体的某个部分,正是这些部分对象激起了主体的欲望。
Any intimate relatio the subject has is under the influence of the early relation with the mother, and the other party in the intimate relation is a metaphor for the subject's mother.
Sister-brother love and brother-sister love are all metaphors for incest.
Sexual desire is just the projection of object a in the world of desire.
性欲只是对象 a 在欲望界里的投影。
Freud's puzzle: Are love and sexual desire compatible? 弗洛伊德的谜题:爱与性欲能否相容
A man of attachment type loves woman as a little boy loves his mother, but having sex with her is almost impossible due to the incest taboo.
The key point here, however, is that in the case of this "normal man" the incest taboo led to the repression of love for his mother, but not to the repression of sexual desire, which had almost no role in his early relation with his mother. It plays no role and only begins to bloom during adolescence.
In other words, for the boy who is to grow into a "normal man", his sexual desire for his mother is never repressed. Because when the major repressions in their lives occur (that is, around the age of five, when the castration complex ends the Oedipus complex), there is no sexual desire. Later in life such a man can feel love and lust for the same woman, the love he felt for his mother earlier due to the threat of castration from his father is now transferred to a new woman, and there is no hindrance preventing his sexual urges stemming from puberty from selecting this same woman as a sexual object. In this case, the streams of affection and lust can merge and flow toward the same person. For such a "normal man", it doesn't have to be either/or when it comes to love and desire.
Lack is the cause of sexual desire 匮乏是性欲的原因
In Freud's view, children's education should be aimed at turning them into civilized and productive members of society, allowing sensual feelings to be reduced from the entire body to a more limited sexual organ area.
Furthermore, it directs us to choose only certain partners rather than all possible partners, and to approach these partners in only a limited number of ways. According to Freud's way of thinking, the result is that the "education" or socialization of our bodies is achieved at a huge cost to ourselves, and this cost is "loss of pleasure". In a sense, Freud postulated that there is a moment when the child can experience a "complete pleasure" that includes enjoyment from all parts of his body and all available objects (what he called "polymorphic sexual perversion"). Weaning, potty training, prohibitions on narcissism, homosexuality and incest, etc., our pleasure can never be full or complete after early childhood - and not by simply embracing "free love" can become like this. In this respect, civilization is to a certain extent self-destructive: the loss of what Freud calls satisfaction and what Lacan calls "original pleasure" is imposed on us by civilization.
Freud goes on to tell us that because humans realize that it is difficult to cope with this loss of satisfaction, then they try to regain some satisfaction: they try to increase their pleasure by crossing obstacles and violating prohibitions. Going beyond social conventions and even legal regulations (including things like where and when sex takes place or in a position, domination, humiliation, force or even brutal violence) provides many women with access to stimulation they wouldn't achieve by other means, and provides them an alternative sexual satisfaction that they cannot otherwise obtain. This act has almost nothing to do with love.
End of Analysis 分析的结束
It seems that two opposite psychological orientations, attitudes, can coexist in the center of the subject.